Very many thanks to Bowling and Sa for their translation work
Cycling down the Korat bypass, was passed by a convoy of coaches with a police escort and hoped that they would not stop at the same gas station as me but they did! So I sat outside, waiting fo the queue in the 7-11 to die down and was surounded by a pile of schoolkids all wanting to have their photo taken with a cyclist - next time I will start charging them!
I slipped on wet tiles at home on March 29th, broken wrist - plaster for 4 weeks and now wearing a wrist support. I am still in pain but it is bearable! Decided to do a hilly ride down to PakThongChai and back; met some cycling buddies at the PTT station. Started to rain at PakThongChai, rested until rain went off and completed the 51kms in a shade over two hours.