I measure my mental state by my weird dreams, very weird dreams mean that I am very happy. A few nights ago I was dreaming - I was in a hotel with a 24 year old Belgian girl who worked for a rather obnoxious, red headed doctor who had an ill-fitting toupee but I am digressing!
In the dream, I was eating a home made pork pie and I very rarely dream about food! The following day on my bike ride, I kept thinking of this pork pie and it took me back to my childhood and Freddy Fly, our local butcher. His family name was not Fly, that was the neighbourhood nickname for him because he and all his products were always covered in flies but he made great pies and sausages! How I longed for one of Freedie Fly's pies. UK supermarkets call their rock hard pastry shells that enclose a pinkish, gelatinous mass 'pork pies' but they are lying!
I was on the Korat Farang website when I saw a thread about a place called 'Korat Chef' that was offering amongst other things home made pork pies. So Sa and I went there yesterday, I went there just to get a pork pie and a steak & kidney pie to try but came back with a lot more!
Verdict - 100% first class products and service. If you are a farang living in Korat or just passing through visit Steve at Korat Chef and you will be doing you and your stomach a very big favour indeed
What is my connection with Steve? Only met him yesterday but I am a very satisified customer!



A good friend from my home town has just donated US$40, Thanks again, Mal, we are about halfway to a presentation. 
Hopefully by this time next week, there will be a Thai version of this site up and running!
I have made contact with a Thai based bicycle manufacturer to see if he can do a good deal - will keep you informed.
Still no luck trying to find a Thai-based supplier of silicone wristbands so if you know someone, please get in touch
I mean beat my best time for one of my circuits! Does it really matter if I take 75 minutes or 90 minutes to ride the Korat ByPass circuit? My wrist is still painful so i do not want to go too far so since I have been back on the bike, most of the time I have been on the bypass. Today would be the exception - just ride and enjoy it - it never happened! Usual timings at Kia showroom, ChoHo (30 mins), onto the bypass (40 mins), PTT on the bypass (62 mins) and home at 77 mins. Perhaps, I have reached a normal pace and am not
Noi, from Two Wheels shop, and I were talking yesterday. One trip we talked about is to the Korat Children's Home. Noi will take a fast group of cyclists the longer route to the home and I will take a second group the shorter route and, hopefully, we will meet at the same time.
Donations are always accepted and I have been thinking - if anyone in the Korat area has any unwanted chidlren's clothes or toys that they wish to donate please contact me.
From PakThongChai to my home, there are two sets of lights, the second set is at the top of a long, steepish hill (Turn right for Korat Zoo). I normally like my lights on green but just, for once, can we have this one on red when I get there? I just want to stop fo a few minutes to recover!
Coming down the Korat ByPass this morning, I saw 2 cyclists ahead of me about 300 metres away.  It is unusual to see cclists on the bypass, weathe was cool, bit of a crosswind so I decided to speed up a bit and catch them. I was slowl gaining on them when I noticed that they were nppedalling - I had been chasing down two slow moving motorcycles! I made the same mistake about 2 weeks ago, I really must get my eyes tested! 




No cycling today, we are now at the start of the monsoon. I do expect a few cancellations due to rain but fortunately most showers happen in the late afternoon.
I had the last few days of March and all of April off with a broken wrist and am still taking it easy but wrist is getting better. I nomally try to do 1000 kms/month, could l make it this month? Sadly, no, but l am not down-hearted. My late wife, Goy, always said that I should cycle for pleasure not measure!
Nice trip on the Korat  ByPass this morning with detour to see Noi at Two Wheels bike shop. Met a chap who saw my GPS and video camera and thought I was doing some sort of survey!
Vey, very strong headwind coming back from Noi's shop - about 35 knots but only had to do about 4 kms in it